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Digital fest 2025

SNVB in India Book of Records


State Kalotsav TCS Aggregate Points

Thrissur Central Sahodaya Ksloltsav over all winners

Proud to announce that we have emerged as the Overall Champions at TCS Kalotsav, Thrissur Central Sahodaya!

CBSE Peer Education program on Cyber Safety Cyber Security and Drug abuse

C B S E Peer Education program on Cyber Safety Cyber Security and Drug abuse Phase - 3 Peer Educators 1. Thanmaya Manoj - X E 2. Punniya Kakkanat - X E 3. Fahim Farhad - X C 4. Saheem Nazeer - X C Target Students class 8A to 8E Date - 17.10.24, 18.10.24 Program schedule * Introduction - Punnya Kakkanat * Ice breaking game - Saheem Nazeer * PPT Cyber bullying and Cyber security - Thanmaya Manoj * PPT - Drug abuse and Prevention - Fahim Farhad * Feedback - Saheem Nazeer * Vote of thanks - Punniya Kakkanat

In various programs organized against drug addiction

ചെന്ത്രാപ്പിന്നി എസ് എൻ വിദ്യാഭവൻ സീനിയർ സെക്കൻഡറി സ്കൂളിൽ സ്കൂൾ പ്രൊട്ടക്ഷൻ ഗ്രൂപ്പും വിമുക്തി ലഹരി വിരുദ്ധ ക്ലബ്ബും സംയുക്തമായി സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച ലഹരിക്കെതിരെ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച വിവിധ പരിപാടികളിൽ ഇരിഞ്ഞാലക്കുട എക്സൈസ് റേഞ്ച് ഓഫീസ് ലഹരി വിരുദ്ധ ബോധവൽക്കരണ ക്ലാസ് നൽകി. സ്കൂൾ അസംബ്ലിയിൽ ലഹരി വിരുദ്ധ പ്രതിജ്ഞ, പത്രവായനയെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കി അറിവാണ് ശക്തി സന്ദേശത്തിലൂന്നി വിമുക്തി ക്വിസ് മത്സരം, പയ്യെത്തിന്നാൽ പനയും തിന്നാം എന്ന സന്ദേശത്തിലൂന്നി വിമുക്തി സ്കൂൾ പ്രൊട്ടക്ഷൻ ഗ്രൂപ്പ് സൈക്കിൾ സ്ലോറൈസ് മത്സരം, ലഹരി വിരുദ്ധ സന്ദേശങ്ങൾ അടങ്ങിയ പ്ലക്കാർഡ് പ്രദർശനം തുടങ്ങിയ വിവിധ പരിപാടികൾ ആണ് സംഘടിപ്പിച്ചത്. പ്രിൻസിപ്പാൾ ശ്രീമതി യാമിനി ദിലീപ് അധ്യക്ഷത വഹിച്ച പരിപാടിയിൽ തൃശ്ശൂര് എക്സൈസ് ഡിവിഷൻ വിമുക്തി റിസോഴ്സ് പേഴ്സണും ഇരിഞ്ഞാലക്കുട എക്സൈസ് റേഞ്ച് ഓഫീസിലെ സിവിൽ എക്സൈസ് ഓഫീസറുമായ ശ്രീ ജദീർ പി എം, ലഹരിവിരുദ്ധ സന്ദേശങ്ങളിൽ ഊന്നി ബോധവൽക്കരണ ക്ലാസ് നൽകി. തുടർന്ന് സൈക്കിൾ സ്ലോറൈസ് മത്സരങ്ങൾ ഫ്ലാഗ് ഓഫ് ചെയ്തു. മാസ്റ്റർ നിഹാൽ, മാസ്റ്റർ സിനാൻ, മാസ്റ്റർ അനീക് എന്നിവർ ടി മത്സരത്തിൽ യഥാക്രമം ഒന്നും രണ്ടും മൂന്നും സ്ഥാനം നേടി. വിജയികൾക്ക് പ്രിൻസിപ്പാൾ ശ്രീമതി യാമിനി ദിലീപ് ട്രോഫികൾ സമ്മാനിച്ചു. ഹെഡ്മിസ്ട്രസ് മാരായ ശ്രീമതി സുലജ' ശ്രീമതി സന്ധ്യാ പ്രചോദ്' ശ്രീമതി മിനി എൽ പി എന്നിവർ ടി പരിപാടിയിൽ പങ്കെടുത്തു. ലഹരി വിരുദ്ധ ക്ലബ് കൺവീനർ കെ ആർ ഷീജു ടീച്ചർ, കായിക അധ്യാപകരായ ദീപ ടീച്ചർ, ബിജു മാസ്റ്റർ, സ്കൂൾ ലീഡർമാരായ മാസ്റ്റർ തേജോ വൃഷ്, കുമാരി ജെനീന ജലീൽ എന്നിവർ ടി പരിപാടികൾക്കെല്ലാം നേതൃത്വം നൽകി. 500 ഓളം വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾ പങ്കെടുത്തു.

Meeting of Anti drugs club.

Class by civil Exercise officer Jadeer. P. M

For Wayanad From SNVB Family

Santhwanam Club

Investiture Ceremony-2024

SN Cutural fest 2024-25

Yoga Day 2024

Praveshanolsavam 2024

Thrissur Dist sahodaya Vollyball championship Girs and boys .. Winners

.Thrissur Dist sahodaya Vollyball championship Girs and boys .. Winners



Events- Sports

Onam Celebration-2023


Investiture Ceremony 2023

Merit Day 2023

To Honour the Bright Sparks of STD XII (SSCE) & STD X (SSE) 20222-23

All India Online Quiz Competition - Hindi

Hindi Diwas Celebration Price Winners 6th to 10th Standard

All India Online Quiz Competition - Hindi

Hindi Diwas Celebration Price Winners 3rd to 5th Standard

All India Online Quiz Competition - Hindi

Hindi Diwas Celebration Price Winners 1st & 2nd Standard

Toppers STD XII - 2020

Toppers STD X - 2020


The inauguration of the modified Senior Secondary School library of the prestigious S N Vidya Bhavan was conducted at 10 am on 07 – April – 2018 by Sri. Adv: C. V. Subhash, General Secretary of S. N. E. & C. Trust in the presence of Sri. Suresh Babu P. T., Joint Secretary of S. N. E. & C. Trust, School Principal Ms. Sunitha U, Librarian Saritha Ajith, teachers, and a large number of students. During the ceremony, Ms. Sunitha U. welcomed the gathering and conveyed best wishes to all for the futuristic utilization of this precious treasure of wisdom and knowledge. While inaugurating the modified library with a sense of pride and exhilaration Adv. C. V. Subhash conveyed the commitment of all for their unflagging spirit in turning over the institution into an icon of excellence in quality education. The modified senior secondary school library has more than 16,500 books- the books are separated and kept in order for comfortable reading. They are as follows. 1. English – 8, 298 books 2. Malayalam – 3, 941 books 3. Hindi - 473 books 4. Subject – 1602 books 5. Reference – 922 books0 6. Dictionary – 105 books In addition to the above, we have 25 periodicals and 7 dailies with five copies each. This Newly designed library will help the students and teachers to turn another golden leaf to begin another glittering chapter of excellence.

Guidelines regarding Change of Subject for schools Trivandrum region

As per revised rules, change of subject in accordance with the Scheme of Studies will be allowed by the Regional Officer of CBSE on request of parent/ student (irrespective of the performance of the student in the subject). Approval/ Rejection of such cases will be communicated by e-mail. For Class X/ XII 2018- 2019, the submission of the online request starts from 15th April 2018 and should be done through "" up to 30th of April 2018. It is added that for class IX 2018-2019 Subject 101(Communicative English), 166(Information and Communication Technology) and 354/454 (E-publishing and e-office) can not be taken in place of Sanskrit Communicative(122) Sanskrit will be offered. Foundation of IT(165) has been renamed as Computer Applications(165). Similarly in Class XI 2018-2019 Subject 062(Mohiniyattam Dance), 067(Multimedia and web technology), 101(English Elective CBSE) can not be taken. Reference Circular Number CBSE/Academic/DS(AHA)/2018 dated 09th march 2018 following academic electives have been converted to Vocational Elective, 068(Agriculture) 053(Fashion Studies), 072(Mass Media Studies)


40TH Annual Sports day of S N Vidya Bhavan Chentrappinni was conducted on the campus on 23 February 2018. The function started by lighting the Olympic torch, followed by the inaugural address by Adv.C.V.Subhash, General Secretary of S N E &C trust. The flag hoisted by Shri. T. S. VijayaRaghavan, Vice President of S N E & C Trust. The welcome address made by the principal Ms. Sunitha U. The campus wore a festive look and it was indeed a crowning day, as the students, committed staff, and the parent's representatives made a grand memorable day. In the closing ceremony, noted international Volleyball player Shri. Anwar Hussain made the closing address and distributed the prizes in the presence of Shri. Unnikrishnan Thashnath, President, SNE & C Trust, Adv. C. V. Subhash, General Secretary, SNE & C Trust.

Dental check up(09-02-2018)

A free dental check-up was conducted on 9th February 2018 in K.G. Group of 6 doctors under the Indian Dental Association, Kodungallur branch visited the school and examined the children. Children from Pre.K.G. were examined.


In an immensely popular Brilliant Scholarship, National Examination 2017-2018 which was challenging and interesting, our tiny tots from the prestigious “S N Vidya Bhavan” kindergarten secured many ranks including the first rank. We congratulate them for their outstanding and excellent performance.

World Cancer Day

World cancer day was observed on February 5th, 2018 at K.G. Section. Oath against cancer was taken by the teachers and the students with the audio clip of Dr.P.V.Gangadharan, a famous oncologist, which was sent to us through Mathilakam Health Aid.

Martyr's Day

Martyr’s Day was observed on 31st January 2018 at K.G.Section. all the children came to the assembly ground with a picture of Mahatma Gandhi. Songs were sung by the teachers and some children also gave a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi.

Republic Day

Republic Day was celebrated with much patriotic fervor. Mr. Unnikrishnan Thashnath, President of S.N.E.&C. Trust, hoisted the national flag, and Adv.C.V.Subhash, General secretary of S.N.E.&C. Trust, spoke to the gathering about the sanctity of the occasion. School principal Mrs.Sunitha. U. threw light on various tasks to be undertaken by the present students who are the future citizens of the country. Patriotic songs, speeches were held.


S N V B celebrated its 40th Annual Day on 25th January 2018 amidst great zest, vibrancy, and elation. M.R. AJITH KUMAR, IPS Inspector General of Police Thrissur Range, Thrissur, was the Hon’ble Chief Guest on the occasion. Our guest of honor was Amritha Suresh Playback singer. Among other dignitaries present were Shri Unnikrishnan Thashnath, President of SNE&C Trust, Shri Adv.C.V.Subhash, General Secretary of SNE&C Trust, Shri.T.K.Rajeevan, Treasurer of SNE&C Trust, Shri. T.S.Vijayaraghavan, vice president of S N E & C Trust, Shri.P.T. Suresh Babu, Joint Secretary S N E & C Trust, Shri. M.S.Pradeep, joint secretary S N E & C Trust, Mrs.Sunitha. U., Principal, Mrs. Rohini Jayaram, Senior advisor, Teachers, Parents representatives, Parents, and students. The program commenced with the lighting of the Ceremonial lamp by the Hon’ble Chief Guest M.R. AJITH KUMAR, IPS , escorted by the other dignitaries. The Principal, Mrs. Sunitha. U. shared the School’s Annual report of the last session. Tribute to the retired heads added charm to the function. Each one of them was honored for their earnest dedicated effort to establish S.N. Vidya Bhavan. This was followed by the Prize Distribution Ceremony gave away prizes to the academically meritorious pupils of the school. The day was filled with colour and charm by the mesmerizing performance by the dazzling stars of S N V B.


KG 2 students visited Silver Storm, Water Theme Park, at Chalakkudy on 11th January, Thursday 2018. 88 students 16 teachers and 5 supporting staff started at 8.45 a.m. They played in different rides and in kids pool children enjoyed the XD film, excited in the mirror house lunch and snacks were provided on time. All –fun , thrilling and joyful experience.


Vice-President of S.N.E & C Trust Mr.Vijayarakhavan, supervisor of the section, staff and students visited ‘St. Antony’s karunalaya at Karanchira on 20th December. Provisions including rice and cake were handed over to the inmates who are around 30 to 35 in number. We spent few hours with them, interacting and singing songs for them. Students also narrated stories sang songs and entertained them. The inmates too sang songs so well. It was an unforgettable experience and a memorable visit.


K.G.Section celebrated Christmas with its due importance. Kids and teachers decorated the Christmas tree and the crib. All students with Santa Claus’s dress and mask were really looking wonderful. Children presented a skit, based on the story of Jesus Christ. Students along with teachers sang Christmas carols. Christmas cake was distributed to all. All enjoyed and it was really a marvelous time for everybody.

Field trip

Visit to Dhana farm KG1 & Anakkotta KG2: visit to Dhanafarm & Anakkotta is to study and know things beyond the text. A field trip to Dhanafarm at Kakkathuruthy was a visual treat to the children. It was an aesthetic pleasure accompanied with knowledge. To Anakkota it was a wonderful experience to the children to see and know the place and especially about the elephants, an extra ordinary treat.

Walk for child's right

Different states including kerala observed a walk for child’s right – prevention of violence & abuse against children. Slogans were raised against child labour. “A child has to learn not to earn” placards were exhibited to mark the day. Children should be taken good care and their rights are to be protected.

Quiz Competition

The objective of every school quizzing competitions are to encourage students to look beyond their textual knowledge. We conduct quiz competitions for KG1 & KG2 every month. Prizes are distributed for the winners.

Measles-Rubella Vaccination

Highly concerned over the health of each & every child, the state Govt. has launched a massive. Anti-measles Rubella vaccination campaign. Children between 9 months & 15 years were administered the vaccination. The vaccination was given to students of Pre.K.G., KG1 & KG2 on 26th at K.G. section. Majority of the students were administered the vaccination. Students were issued vaccination cards.

Deepavali celebration

Deepavali is the festival of lights. It is celebrated every year in autumn in all the states of our country. This shows the victory of good over evil. Deepavali spreads the light of prosperity, Peace, joy & happiness. K.G. Section also celebrated the festival with all its gaiety students and teachers presented different programmes on the day. Diyas were lit.

Annual sports meet

Human activities are based on the strength of every individual. Sports day gives the children a platform to display their sports talents. Annual sports day was held on 6th October at K.G Section with colorful display and march past. It was a remarkable event.

Gandhi Jayanthi

“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth” [Einstein said of Mahatma Gandhi]. Gandhi Jayanthi was celebrated on oct 2nd with its due importance. Students brought photos of Mahatma to celebrate the occasion.


Children’s day celebrations at S.N.Vidya Bhavan-K.G. Section “Every child is a gift of nature”-goes the famous saying. Children’s day was celebrated on 14th Nov,(Tuesday)2017, at kindergarten section in a splendid and grand way. The chief guests of the day were renowned cine artist Miss. Leona Lishoy and child artist Master Leswin Ullas, a product and up-coming artist of S.N.Vidya Bhavan. The presence of both had really added charm to our function. The celebration was inaugurated by Miss Leona Lishoy with the gracious little presence of Little Chacha Nehru, Shri. Unnikrishnan Thashnath, President of S.N.E & C Trust, Adv.C.V.Subash, general Secretary, S.N.E&C Trust and other members of the trust and dignitaries. The band and the students with balloons welcomed the guests. In her address, Ms.Shylaja.B.Menon, supervisor of kindergarten extended a very hearty welcome to all present on the day. The team of management, Principal Ms. Sunitha.U, Senior Advisor Ms.Rohini Jayaram spoke on the occasion. Prizes for all the winners and mementoes were given away by the chief guest. The colorful extravaganza by the our tiny-tots made us feel proud. Students, teachers, parents stole the show. Students claded as Chacha Nehru was eye-catching. Ms. Laly P.B. Head Mistress of kindergarten appreciated all who have worked hard for its success and thanked everyone profusely.


International Doctors’ Day was celebrated on July 1st on account of expressing our gratitude and acknowledgement to the dedication and commitment of doctors towards our society.Skit was presented by the children.


“The most patriotic thing you can do is to take care of the environment and try to live sustainably”.235 saplings were distributed to each child of KG2 on world Environment Day.


Colours add beauty to our life.We celebrated Blue day on July 28th Friday.


‘Pravesanotsavam 2017’ was celebrated with the greatful presence of Respected Adv.C V Subhash, the General Secretary of S N E & C Trust,T S Vijayaraghavan,Vice-President of S N E & C Trust, Mr.T K Rajeevan, Treasurer, Principal Ms.Sunitha U ,Senior Advisor Ms.Rohini Jayaram, Supervisor Ms.Shylaja Menon and other committee members.


Orange Day was celebrated with its beauty and grace at KG.Kids,teachers were cladded in Orange. Every nook and corner were decorated well.


SMART KIDS Contest..Mathrubhumi daily.. goes to Gouri Nandana of KG2.B.Gift is Samsung Galaxy Tab.Heartiest congratulations and All the Very Best Wishes.


The teacher’s day was celebrated on 26th September with all its splendidness and grandeur. Teachers were honoured for their commendable service and entertaining programmes were organized by teachers and students under the supervision of Mrs.Daya P ,Mrs.Ramani Venugopal & Mrs.Sreeja Ravi adding colour and charm to the occasion.


The 163rd Guru Jayanthi celebrations of SreeNarayana Guru was celebrated on 6th September 2017with much reverence and relevance in the school.The function was inaugurated by Mr.T P Unnikrishnan(the honorable President of S.N.E.C. Trust).On the day the prize winning items conducted in connection with Chathayam Day were presented.


Education aims at the holistic development of a child. Youth Festivals are an inextricable part of one’s school life. To nurture and nourish the talents and skills of S N V Bians , the inter house youth festival was held on 3rd and 4th August.


On June 18th Merit Day was celebrated to appreciate and applaud the meticulous and painstaking efforts of the Xth and XIIth students of the academic year 2016-17.Both the P T A and the management acknowledged the students’ academic excellence.


Unfolding endless expectations, prosperity, joy and instigating nostalgia in each and every soul once again Chingam arrives.S N V B celebrated Chingam 1 pompously displaying a variety of indigenous plants and flowers , marking the beginning of a prosperous new year and ONAM ,the festival of flowers.


On 18th August a Rs. 10000/- was donated to the Nanma coordinator Mr. Saneesh to allow free dialysis kit to the poor patients.


To help the Tribal communities clothes collected by staff and students were donated to the Dress Bank run by Mr. Shiyab Mohamed on 15th August.


Santhwanam Club initiated its charitable activities for the academic year 2017-18 by donating Rs. 10,000 to Mr.Surajanadas, Tharayil house,Valapad , a kidney patient on 2nd August 2017 .


Mathrubhoomi Seed and Hi-tech Farmers Association Thrissur conducted an exhibition contest ”Krishi Vismayam” to promote the modern agricultural practices. Our students K Lakshmi Nandana and Vijaya Krishnan of Class XI bagged the second position and won a cash prize of Rs.20,000/-.


S N Vidya Bhavan celebrated 71st independence day with all it’s relevance. The variety programmes could instill the feeling of patriotism among the children. Programmes like Independence day speeches in Hindi ,English & Malayalam, Patriotic songs by KG and LP students, Power point presentation on freedom fighters by Technova Club, Dance performance by L P students based on the theme independence day added charm and grace to the occasion.


To own the breath and to accept the self , Yoga is a must. In connection with World Yoga Day , a mass yoga was arranged on 21st June in the school campus.


For the first time S N V B breathed an air of excitement of election in its four walls. On June 30th the school council was elected by implementing voting system in its true spirit. The elected members of the council were conferred their duties and responsibilities on July 10th.


June 26th the anti-drug day was conducted to conscientise the students of the ill effects of drugs. A morning assembly was held advocating the students to keep away from unhealthy habits.


In accordance with the Kerala Government’s Project ‘Go Green’ , S N V B took part in protecting the mother Earth Campaign. On June 5,2017 School celebrated the Environment Day by planting indigenous plants in the campus.

Perseverance and audacity always win

'Never mind what others do;do better than ourselves,beat our own records from day to day.Then we are success'. S N V B always put its strenuous effort in extending it's wide hands to wipe the tears of the needy and ailing ones.The Santhwanam club along with Mathrubhumi's NANMA programme became fruitful in helping a few needy ones of the society and that was recognized by awarding the best school in Thrissur district by Mathrubhumi News paper.


Nanma Santhwanam club in co-operation with Global cancer concern India organized the free cancer detection camp and awareness programme for the residents of Edathiruthy and Valapad Panchayath on 4th Feb2017 to create awareness related to cancer and its treatment.The programme was inaugurated by E T Tison Master,M L A Kaipamangalam. The awareness class was conducted by the chief oncologist Dr.Mahadevan from Medical college, Thrissur. Nearly 250 people got benefitted of this camp.


Republic Day,the red lettered day was celebrated with much patriotic fervor .The tri-colour was hoisted by the honorable General Secretary of S N E & C Trust,Adv. C V Subhash.Patriotic song,speeches on various languages and yoga display were held.

ANNUAL DAY 2016-17

The 39th Annual Day was celebrated on 21st January from 10.00am to 7.00p.m. in the school premises.The day was inaugurated by Shri. Mujeeb Rahman,the Secretary,DLSA (Sub Judge Thrissur).The day was filled with colour and charm by the mesmerizing performance by the dazzling stars of S N V B.

Chill in the Air Chill in Our Hearts

Christmas day was celebrated splendidly in the school campus on 23rd December.Children dressed in as Santa Cluas and Angels were a feast to eyes of the spectators .In the school campus three cribs were wonderfully arranged and all were in a festive mood.

SPORTS DAY 2016-17

The 39th Annual sports day was conducted on 15th &16th of December 2016.The event was inaugurated by Mrs.Baina Pradeep, Edathiruthy Grama Panchayath President.The chief Guest of the day was Mr.Sobha Subin District panchayath member.The two days were buzz ling with the stunning performance of the children. The overall Championship was won by Green House.

A VISIT : Mentoring & Monitoring

An exemplary team of teachers from Devamatha Public School visited S N Vidya Bhavan for mentoring and monitoring programme designed by CBSE Board . The panel included Rev.Fr.Shaji Edamana,the principal of Devamatha CMI Public School ,Mrs.Sheela Head of the Science Dept and a teacher from Social Science Dept..The evidences related to CCE activities were well appreciated by the team.


Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. India Today’s Education panel has recently conducted a survey to find out the best school in India. On the basis of various parameters like academic excellence, experienced and expert faculties, co-curricular and sports education, holistic development of children, individual attention imparting leadership qualities, good infrastructure, special education, Innovative teaching at Low free structure and on the grounds of the above mentioned criteria, S N V B has won the prestigious title ’The Best SchooI in India’. This prestigious award ceremony was held on Dec10th Saturday in Banglore at Chancery Pavilian. The coveted prize was received by Mr.Unnikrishnan Thashnath, the Honorable president of S.N.E&C Trust.

Higher, Faster, Stronger…

In the field of sports also S. N. V. B. is second to none. Many feathers of victory have added much to its crown during the academic year 2016-17. On October 10th, CBSE Cluster X Kabaddi Tournament was organized in Co-operative school, Paddookat Viyoor. Our Girls’ team won the IIIrd position and the IVth place was won by Boys’ team. CBSE Sahodaya Kabaddi Tournament was conducted on October 6th in Kakkassery Vidya Vihar School Pavaratty and S. N. Vidya Bhavan’s Boys’ team won the Championship and Girls’ team won the third position. Master Farook of class X G was selected as the Best Allrounder and from Girls’ team Miss Unnimaya was selected as the Best Promising Player. For the selection of Thrissur District Throwball team our students took part in the Throwball Competition conducted in Vazhapully ground Kazhimbram on November 12th. Among them the following students were selected for the Thrissur District Throwball team. ---- Anjali Unnikrishnan(Std X), Unnimaya P. U. (Std XII), Harsha N. R. (Std XII), Adithya M. J. (Std X), Anamika Sunil (Std XII), Sandra Shaji (Std IX), Vibitha P. V. (Std IX). Unnimaya P. U. of Std XII and Vibitha P. V. of class IX got the selection for the National Federation Cup Throwball Kerala Team. On November 4th & 5th Cluster X CBSE Volleyball Championship was conducted in S. N. Vidya Bhavan, Chentrappinni. In the neck to neck competition S. N. Vidya Bhavan Girls’ Team won the Runner Up trophy. Ms. Apsaralakshmi of Std X was selected as the Best Attacker of the match and Master Harris of Std XII was selected as the Best All rounder. Athletics On October 15th and 16th Thrissur Amateur Athletic Meet for the year 2016 was conducted at St. Thomas College ground Thrissur. Niranjan V. P. of class XII won the 1st position in 800 m race under 18 and Christo Jose secured the 2nd position in short put under 14. On Novermber 29th, 30th and December 1st the Thrissur Sahodaya CBSE Athletic Meet was held in Sreekrishna College ground Guruvayoor. The following students won the postitions in their respective items. ---- Niranjan V. P. of Std XII ( 3rd prize 1800m, under 19), Christo Jose of Std IX (3rd place Shortput, Under 14), Nihal Kabeer of Std IX (3rd place 800m, under 17), Navaneeth P. V. of Std X (3rd position 5000m, Under 19), Zamed Arakkal of Std VIII (3rd place 400m, Under 14). Cluster X CBSE State Athletics Championship was conducted on 5th and 6th December 2016 at ………. Our students Navaneeth P. V. won the 3rd position in 5000m (Under 19) and Nihal Kabeer won the 3rd position in 800m (Under 17) and Zaneel Arakkal won the 1st prize in 800m (Under 14) and he has got the selection for the CBSE National Athletic Meet at Vadodara in Gujarath.

Confident S. N. Vidya Bhavan- Ready to Wrap Up Everything

Apart from Academic Excellence, S. N. Vidya Bhavan excels in co-curricular activities. This year in the Sahodaya Youth Festival 2016, S. N. Vidya Bhavan took part only in the individual items. The youth festival was held on October 19th, 20th and 21st in C. K. M. N. S. S. Chalakudy. And we showed our presence by bagging 503 points only in the individual items itself. In the coming month of November on 19th,18th, 19th and 20th the Sahodaya Youth Festival was conducted in Viswadeepthi C. M. I. Public School, Adimali. Our children came out with wonderful performance.

Of Children , For Children , By Children

Children’s day was celebrated with great fun and frolic. Lower class students came wearing colour dress and they were given ample space to present variety of programme .Class bulletin boards were decorated with quotes and pictures of their beloved Chachaji.

SRADHA - 2016

Nehru group of Institutions joined with Mathrubhumi has launched an Awareness Programm Sradha- 2016 – Anti Drug Campaign and Road safety awareness.Mr. Haroon Rasheed ,Excise preventive officer and Kodungallur R.T.O. - Mr.Joshi presented the awareness class on Anti Drug and Rules on Road safety respectively.

Mother and Mother tongue - greater than paradise to us

In connection with 'Kerala Piravi' the first week of November was celebrated as 'Vajra Keralam' to glorify the rich heritage of our mother tongue 'Sreshta Malayalam'.Various competitions like poster making,recitation,letter writing,'Quiz on Kerala' were conducted to enhance and uplift the taste towards our own mother land.

The Hardest Profession in life is to be a Women

On Oct.15th 2016 a demonstrative session on self defence was conducted for girls of Grade IX & Xth to make them well equipped to face the challenges.Mr.Madhu Viswanath,well known Karatte master managed the demonstrative class.

Know the threats around - Be vigilent

An awareness programme was conducted On 20th September for grade IX & Xth children by Mr.Mujeeb Rahman,the magistrate Legal service society.The programme was intended to conscientize the youth.

Be the Miracle Makers

On October 26th Friday a Teacher Training Programme was conducted by Adv. Dinesh Warrier, B. Com, LLM, MBA 'Passion Designer' to energize the faculty and master the art of effective teaching.

Clean campaign launched

On October 2nd, the school launched the mission of "Clean the Campus" envisaging the great Mahatma Gandhi's principle, to make our country a better place for living. Promoting the same, the Lion's Club, Triprayar, donated 3 large dustbins for the school campus to ensure the cleanliness. On the same day, the human chain formed by our children revealed their strong support towards the mission.


The 162nd Guru Jayanthi celebrations of Sree Narayana Guru was celebrated on 16th September 2016 with much reverance and relevance in the school.The function was inaugurated by Mr.K N Unnikrishnan(the former S.N.D.P. Yogam President and Board member).The meeting was presided over by Mr.T P Unnikrishnan ,President of S.N.E.C. Trust.On the day the prize winning items conducted in connection with Chathayam Day were presented.On the same day the school magazine was released by Shri.K G Asokan,general secretary,S.N.E.C. Trust by giving the first copy to chief guest of the day.


Onam is not just a festival of cherish but it is a moment of reincarnation of a prosperous past and goodness.On September 9th S.N.Vidya Bhavan tried to bring back those golden moments with lot of fun and frolic. Floral carpet competition was conducted for classes VI to XII and for the LP Section variety entertainments were organized. Boys and girls of XI and XII presented a flash mob to add the charm of the occassion. School P.T.A organised some traditional art forms related to Onam.


Independence day celebration in S N V B started with a prayer and Mr.Unnikrishnan Thashnath hoisted the flag.An outline of the map of India was drawn and students created the tricolour with shawls and a drone with Indian flag flew in the air.Then a variety of programs which included demonstration of Indian sports items,flash mob by the students, power point presentation on "martyrs of India" by Technova club ,skit by ILM,a dance performance by the L.P. students and speeches in English,Hindi and Malayalam were performed beautifully by our students.


S N Vidya Bhavan's santhvanam club along with a team of students went to Kasargod to give an amount of Rs.75,000 to the endosulphan victims.Along with the money,sweets and books were also given.


S.N.V.B. hosted the All Thrissur Sahodaya Complex Principal's meeting on 16th June 2016.Principals from 58 schools attended the meeting.


S.N.V.B. bagged the 2nd position as the best school by the Mathrubhumi Nanma programme for our Nanma activities in the academic year 2015-16.The prize distribution programme was conducted at Jawahar Public School,Edava,Trivandrum on 27th of July.A group headed by our Principal ,Academic Director,Joint Secretory of SNE & C trust,Supervisor of KG section & Seema teacher(Nanma co-ordinator)with 8 students attended the prize distribution ceremony.The prize money of Rs.75000 was handed over for the ones affected by endosulphan at Kasargod.


S N V B celebrated 26th June 2016 as'MERIT DAY' for class Xth and XIIth.The students who secured full A1 in all subjects were honored with trophies.For class XIIth,the subject wise toppers were appreciated and honored.


27th June 2016 was observed as 'International Day against Drug Abuse'.A rally was conducted by the students on Drug Abuse.'Drug Thrills But Kills'


The Nature Club activities of S N V B started on 24th June 2016.Based on the importance of nature there was a drama to create awareness among the students.


21st June 2016 was celebrated as 'World Yoga Day'.As part of this, students were made to perform yoga near the garden.Children felt pleased and relaxed after practicing yoga.


S N V B celebrated 17th June 2016 as'Reading Day'.The whole week was celebrated as Reading Week.Children were made to speake about the value of Reading Habit in one's life.


13th June 2016 was celebrated as 'World day against chid labour'.Inorder to aid and point out the need of discarding the social and economic evil, students of S.N.Vidya Bhavan were made to deliver speech on child labour.


To imbibe the importance of saving and loving environment our school celebrated the 'Environment day' on 10th June 2016

S N Expo 2016

S N V B always boost up the multi talents of the students providing ample space for exhibiting their potential. On 26th Jan, S N Expo was held showcasing the different skills in different arena. Essence – The Literary Club, Technova- The IT club, Mathlete- The Math club, Heritage Club, Scientia- The Science club and The arts & Sports Department contributed their innovations and made the event a grand success.

Annual Day 2016

On 22nd January 2016, S N V B celebrated its Annual Day befitting to the glory of the institution. The function was blessed with the gracious presence of the eminent personalities Dr. C. K. Thomas, Director, Dooradarshan, Thrissur and Sippy Pallippuram, famous Children's writer. The formal inauguration was succeeded by the cultural extravaganza exhibiting the talents of students of all sections. On the same day the children were honoured for their academic excellence.

Visit to Snehalayam

Another step towards helping the destitutes was forwarded by SNVB School. Snehalayam , an Old Age Home, Mundathikkodu, Thrissur was visited by twenty five students , two PTA Staff Members Mrs Dhanya and Mrs. Prajitha Shiju , teachers Mrs. Seema K S , and . Mrs. Vasa.An amount of Rupees 51000 was collected from the students of STD IX, X, XI, just in 2 days and an amount of Rs. 80000 was spent for clothes, boxes of Dettol , phenoyl, fruits and other provision. The pathetic sight of 400 mentally and physically disabled destitute was unbearable and surprisingly this home is lead by a single man Mr. Antony.

Contribution to Govt Children's Home

Govt children’s Home was visited by the H M UP Session Mrs. Sandha Prajod and teachers Mrs.Lakshmi Dharman and Rekha Pradeep.A tour for the children was sponsored by spending Rs.20000/- and a day’s meal was also provided to them.

Charity: The noblest deed

K G Section extended their benevolent hands to help Thirty Asraya families in Perijanam Panchayat. Provisions were given to each families (total worth of Rs 14,250).

Santhwanam to Chennai through Mathrubhumi Nanma

Students of S N V B School poured out the heart of benevolence in wake of ‘ Chennaiku oru Kai thaangu’ proposed by Mathrubhumi Nanma . Bakery items worth Rs. 20000/- was handed over by Mr. K G Ashokan (Gen. Sec. S N E & C Trust) to the Members of Mathrubhumi Nanma club.

Annual Sports Meet 2015-16

Sports Day was conducted on the 3rd and 4th of December with grandeur. The Chief Guest of the day was B. AnilKumar (Volleyball Player). The Sports flag was hoisted by the Mr. (President S N E & C Trust) and the cauldron was lit by Mr. K G Ashokan (Sec. S N E & C Trust). Students of all Sections participated in different items and won prizes.

All Kerala Inter School Volley Ball Tournament ( Girls)

Students participated in the All Kerala Inter School Volley Ball Tournament ( Girls) and S N V B bagged the Third Position.

Sahodaya Athletic Meet

Students took part in the Sahodaya Athletic Meet. Master Md. Rashid of STD VIII F bagged the Second Position in 100 metres and 200 metres race, Master Kiran E V S of Std XII C secured the 3rd Position in Long Jump.

Contribution from Santhwanam club

Santhwanam club was again on move. C H Muhammed Koya Smaraka Yatheemkhana in Vadanapally was visited by Forty two students, Mrs. Seema teacher and the P T A Members Mr. Babu and Mr. Saiju on 28th Saturday . An amount of Rs. 25000 was handed over to the authorities of the Orphanage.

Constitution Day Celebration

Constitution Day was marked by the school on 26th Nov. 2015. The Principal flagged of the event. Students from STD VI to XII participated in it with great zest by participating in online competitions, making hundreds of posters, giving speeches etc.

Career Guidance on Aviation

A Career Guidance class was conducted in the school for the students of STD XII by Aviation Academy . This class gave the insight of various opportunities in the field of Aviation.

Hosted Thrissur District Sahodaya Complex Volleyball Tournament 2015-16

Thrissur District Sahodaya Complex Volleyball Tournament 2015-16, was hosted by S N V B School Chentrapinni. The play was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mr. Harilal (Former Indian Volleyball coach). Students from different schools participated in the tournament. The title was bagged by the Girls in the Girls tournament. Aparna Das was selected as the Best Attacker and Apsara Lakshmi as the Best Setter. S N V B Boys team became the first runner up in the tournament. Master Haris K.S. was selected as the Best Setter.

Guidance on Monetary Literacy

A Guidance class on the topic Monetary Literacy was conducted on 11th Nov. in the school for the students of Std X and XIth in wake of knowing the details of monetary benefits, knowledge of bank facilities and credit and debit packages. The Resource person was Mr. Priyan, expert in monetary literacy from Mathilakam Block.

Annual Sports Meet

Runner up of Thrissur District CBSE Kalotsav 2015

Two hundred and seventeen students participated in the Thrissur District CBSE Kalotsav 2015 on 28th 30th and 31st of October, 2015 and bagged the Second Position with 886 points. The Kalotsav was held at Kulapathi Munshi Bhavan ‘s Vidya Mandir, Pottore, Thrissur and Bharthiya Vidya Bhavan, Poochetty.

Charity: The noblest deed

SNVB won Girls District Throwball Championship

GIRLS Team of S N Vidya Bhavan bagged the First Place in District Throw Ball Championship which was conducted in Perumpadappa U P School . Nine players were selected as the Thrissur District Players.

Charity from Santhwanam Club

A charity of Rs 20000/- was handed over to Manikandan a cancer patient of Edathiruthy, by the P T A President Adv. T N Sunil Kumar from the Santhwanam fund of the school.

The day of flowers and colours

Onam was celebrated with great grandeur . Children participated in the Floral Carpet Competition.The students were colourfully dressed and all enjoyed the Radio FM conducted by Vishal Satheesh of XII B , Miss Gayathri Sreeni of XI B, the tug of war competition was also held among the different houses.

Skills on Adoloscence

Teachers attended the Orientation class on the topic ‘Skills on Adolescence ‘which was conducted by the Lions Club , Thriprayar on 4th, 5th and 6th of September and the Resource Person was Varghese Vaidhyan . The Principal Mrs. Rohini Jayaram , the Vice Principal Mrs. Yamini Dileep, Head Mistress Mrs Sulaja N K , teachers Mrs Sheeju K R ( Malayalam Dept ) , and Mrs Sandhya Gireesh (Social Science Dept) were the teachers who attended the meeting.

One Caste - One Religion - One God

SreeNarayana Guru Jayanthi celebrations of Sree Narayana Guru was adorned with number of activities on 30th August ,in the school . Mr K V Subramanian ( President of SNE&C Trust ) flagged of the day and presided over the meeting, Dr. Shornur Karthikeyan ,Professor ,Educationist and Poet inaugurated the function Mrs Sulaja N K Head Mistress of High School Section gave the welcome speech , the General Secretary of S N E & C Trust Mr. K G Asokan proposed the Presidental address , released the First copy of the School Magazine and gave away the prizes for the students of Inter School Chathayam Competition. The Memento was presented by The Members of the SNE&C Trust . The felicitations were proposed by Mr. I R Rajan ,( Vice President , (SNE&C Trust )Mr. T K Rajeevan (Treasurer), Mr. M S Pradeep and P T Suresh Babu (Joint Secretary ) and Adv. T N Sunil Kumar ( P T A President ) The Prize winning students , Miss. Aparna N S (CSM Central School, Edassery ), Amrutha K. Menon , (Santhinekathan Public School Iranjalakuda ) , Anjali V (Lemer Public School, Thriprayar ) rendered their prize winning recitations and Elocution in English and Malayalam. The programme ended with Vote of Thanks by Vishal Satheesh the School Leader.

Clean Campus, Safe Campus

SPG Clean Campus Safe Campus Monitoring Committee conducted a class for the students of SPG students in the school on 24th August , 2015. The class was inaugurated by the Sub Inspector Mr. Shaji ( Mathilakam Police station ). Mrs Rohini Jayaram, Principal proposed the welcome speech, the ward member Mrs. Ratna Chandran gave the felicitation address. The ASI Mr Saviour also spoke on the occasion.The SPG teachers Mrs Sheeja K R , Mr Unnikrishnan , the SPG leaders Master Nezmal C N ( XII C ) and Miss Arya (XII ) and all the committee members attended the class.

Nation in its 69th Glory

The 69th Independence Day was celebrated with great splendor on the 15 of August , 2015 in the school premises . The General Secretary Mr Subramanian (SNE&C ) unfurled the flag in the presence of the members of SCE&C Trust , Principal Mrs. Rohini Jayaram , PTA members , Teachers , Parents and the students of the school. It was followed by National songs, Yoga pyramid, The welcome speech was proposed by the Principal Mrs. Rohini Jayaram , the Keynote address by the General Secretary Mr. K G Ashokan , the felicitation by the PTA President Adv. Sunil Kumar. and speeches by teachers and the students were proposed in three different languages.All spoke about the immense value of the freedom we got after the effort and endurance of the great freedom fighters who gave this freedom . Patriotic song competition was also held. The day winded up with a beautiful skit by the ILM Team.


S N Culturals was conducted in the school on the 12th and 13th of August 2015. The day was inaugurated by the President of S N E & C Trust, Mr. K A Subramanian.

Glowing Tributes

”Dreams are not what you see in the sleep, it is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep.” said APJ Abdul Kalaam , the Former President of India. The Missile man, Teacher, scientist, educationalist, author peoples President and the only gentleman who was conferred with doctorate by forty universities in his life time, took his last breath while giving a lecture in IIM at Shillong on July 27th , 2015 . At the age of 83 years. S N Vidya Bhavan mourned his sad demise. A special assembly was conducted on 30th July ,2015 ,the day was marked by lighting the lamp, rendering speeches and offering flowers to the departed soul by all the students of the school. The Principal Mrs Rohini Jayaram the Secretary of S N E & C Trust Mr K G Asokan spoke on the occasion , the School Leader Master Vishal Satheesh and the Asst. Cultural Captain Gayathri Sreeni winded up with their emotional speeches.

Malala Day

Malala Day was observed on 12th July ,2015 by the students of Blue House . They quoted the words of Malala Yousaf , “Malala Day is not my day ,It is the day of every boy every girl who have raised their voices for their rights .” and the students gave a declamatory speech.

Know English Know World

A yearlong English Language training classes for the students of L P Section was started on 8th July . The Trainers are from Institute of Language Management Bangalore. The students sprung into action with language ,depicting it through manners , confidence level , and motivation.

Yoga - A start to healthy life

'Yoga is the journey of the self,to the self, through the self'. June 21st was declared as the International Yoga Day by the United Nations. Regarding this SNVB has conducted yoga in the open assembly on 19th June 2015. Students of class IX to XII were performing the yoga. It was demonstrated in order to inculcate the practice of yoga among students in daily life. It helps them in concentration, retention and more efficient use of class time. Yoga helps us to build a more efficient and healthier future ahead.

Capacity building programme for learning disability held

A capacity Building Programme for Learning Disability was conducted on 8th July 2015. The same was inaugurated by Mr Ashokan Gen. Secretary of SNE&C Trust. The Resource Person for Learning Disability was Miss R P Geethu Ramdas .The course initiated the objective that a traditional teacher should change into a friendly ,pleasant, patient, assertive facilitator by investing time in building caring relationship with the pupil by knowing their differentiated level . In the afternoon session the class for Classroom Management was conducted by the Resource Person Mr. Dinesh. The class emphasized on understanding classroom issues, identifying cause, demonstrating proficiency , and discussion on tools and techniques.

Club Inaugration

Talents of people have changed the world of innovation, be it literary , cultural , Math’s , Science , IT , Heritage, Nature, Sports ,Adventure or any other field. SNVB opens the doors of opportunities for the children to put out their talents .The inauguration of various clubs was conducted on the 26th of June .The inaugural address was given by Dr. Suresh Kumar (Retd DYSP).All the clubs brought out their opening performances in a grandeur.

Be high in life, not on drugs

In wake of Anti Drug Day , an awareness class on drug abuse was conducted by Dr. K B Suresh ( Retd. DYSP) in the school auditorium for the students of Std. X1 on 26th June 2015. Mr Suresh brought a vary change in minds of the students by emphasizing the need to bring in good thoughts in to the subconscious mind to get the right essence of life .

Bringing in glory

Harikrishnan R the student of SNVB of 2013-14 batch secured the 21st position in the Kerala Entrance Examination 2014-15

May the Rays of SNVB, be the Light of their life

The world of education was opened to the tiny kids of SNVB School .The inauguration of the reopening of KG section was marked on June --- 2015 The lamp was lit by the Chief Guest Mrs Sreedevi P ,in the presence of the President of SNE&C Trust Mr. KV Subramanian the Secretary Mr KG Asokan ,The PTA President Mr. Suchind ,The Academic Director Mrs. Sushauma E K, the KG Supervisor Mrs. Shylaja Menon.

A helping hand towards the mother nature

“The nature is enough for one’s need not for one’s greed “ said Mahatma Gandhi, Yes , true to his words, to conserve and protect our environment , the world Environment Day was marked on 5th June , by the Eco Club of SNVB .School.Saplings were planted by the Principal and students in the school .Saplings of different trees were distributed to the students . Green awareness classes were held by the Principal Mrs. Rohini Jayaram and teachers of various sections.

Know English Know World

In wake of bringing new facet in English language, ILM classes was conducted in the school , and was attended by the teachers from all the sections from May 25th to 31st May . The classes were handled by Mr. Jeevan Prakash and Mr. Pasha of ILM Bangalore

The idol of enlightment

SreeNaranana Guru Prathista Dinam was conducted on the 13th of May with great grandeur. Karimathra Vijayan Thantri performed the ritual rites and unveiled the idol .The function was adorned by the SNE&C Trust Members , students and teachers of SNVB School.

Great team can accomplish great works.

Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration,wonderful things can be achieved. On January 23rd Friday, S.N.V.B. celebrated its 37th Annual Day with all its pride and charm. The function was inaugurated by honourable MP of Chalakudy Loksabha constituency Mr. Innocent and Mr. Jayadevan M.N. , MP of Thrissur Loksabha .

Action speaks louder than words.

It is the little things that makes a big difference.Instilling the feeling of compassion and fellow feeling among the students is the motto of Santhwanam Club. The Philanthropic activity enables us to wipe out the tears of many deserving ones. An amount of Rs.10,000 each was handed over to the three suffering ones on the 37th Annual Day.

Run Kerala Run

Arousing the feeling of excitement and fun in the air, the staff and students of S.N.V.B. joined with government's Run Kerala Run programme and declared loudly the strong support to the commencement of National Games.

Great minds have purposes others have wishes

To add serenity to the atmosphere of S.N. Vidya Bhavan a monument of our Chief Patron is inevitable. The foundation stone was laid for the erection of monument on 15-12-14 by Swami Brahma Swaroopanada, Sree Narayana Ashramam, Amaripadam and the General Secretary of S.N.E.& C. Trust Mr. K.G.Ashokan amidst rituals.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle All the way

The splendidness and merry making of X’Mas were chilled in the air on 19th Dec. in K.G Section & L.P. section children dressed in as Santa Clauses were a feast to the eyes.A great time for extra hugs & cuddles.

Good luck is where opportunity meets preparation

Like Midas touch S.N.V.B. shines wherever it goes. Literally by sweeping the overall trophy of the competition held in Universal Engineering Collage Irinjalakuda. S.N.V.B was declared once again that it is second to none.

“To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”

Life is a continuous struggle for survival. In this world of cutthroat competition, only the best and the strongest will succeed. Strong arms alone can swim against the current. Sports and games enables us to meet the challenges of life. S. N. Vidya Bhavan is a shining star in the field of sports too. Sports Day was celebrated on 27th and 28th of November 2014. The chief guest of the day was Mr. V. A. Moideen Naina, the Superindent of customs and the former Indian Volley ball Team captain who was also the National Champion for three times, who pocketed numerous laurels during his venture.

Differences may overcome when you discover your potential.

The ongoing XII std students were given a counseling class on human values and motivation by Mr. Jijo Chittadi, an international counselor. It enabled them to understand their inner potential and they felt they too can do great things if they set themselves in the right place at the right time.

The childhood shows the man as morning shows the day.

The greater soul who really understood the above sentence , the children’s beloved Chachaji. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday was celebrated with all fun and frolic. The function was inaugurated by the playback singer and well known T. V. star, Anoop Shanker . Accompanied amidst the little chachas the band set and music added colours to the day. The little lustrous star shone in their performances and made the parents and teachers spell bound.

Victory of S.N.V.B. in Sahodaya District Level Youth Festival 2014-15

S.N. Vidya Bhavan triumphed the All Kerala CBSE Cluster VI Volleyball Championship 2014-15.

The Winners

The Zenith of Excellence Proved Again

S.N.V.B. cruised to victory surging to heap a score of 817 points in the Sahodaya District Level Youth Festival 2014 and bagged the first position.

Mangalyan: Mars Orbiter Mission

The success of Mangalyan has brought tumultuous joy among all, specially the students who applauded to eternity and they led a rally of victory echoing the effect of India's success in the world.

Guru Jayanthi Celebration

160th 'Guru Jayanthi Celebration' was celebrated on 8th sep, 2014 and was inaugrated by Dr. T. S. Vijayan (Acharyan, Karuvamathra Gurupadam) and prizes were distributed for the winners of Inter school Chathayam Competition.

Independence Day & Merit Day

Independence Day was celebrated on 15th Aug 2014. The National Flag was hoisted by the President of S.N.E.&C. Trust, Shri K.V. Subramanian. The merit was also conducted on the same day.

Honouring Excellence

The management & P.T.A. of S.N.V.B. honoured Master Vishal Satheesh of XI std who won the prestigious cash award of Rs. 5000 in the 'Online Writing Series' Essay Writing competition conducted in All India Level.

Sharing Multiplies Happiness

As a part of humanitarian service, Govt L.P. School, Perumpadappu was visited by the members of Nanma Club. Study materials, memory enhancing equipments, colour pencils, plates for midday meals etc were gifted by the students .

A feather touch of consolence

An amount of Rs. 15000/- was contrubuted to a kidney patient Mr. Rajesh of Edathiruthy Panchayath by the P.T.A. president Mr. Sujinth from the Santhwanam Club fund as a part of Nanma Programme.

A step in shaping the future

A career guidance class was conducted for the students of std XII by Mr. Jorphin, Icorporate Solutions.

Well Begun is Half Done

S. N. Vidya Bhavan began this academic year with Empowered Teachers. The teaching faculty from I to XII were given training by the Prime Instructor, Mr. Raghuram Malladi from Centre For British Teachers (CFBT) in two sessions from April 21st to 26th and May 12th to 17th . KG section teachers were also empowered by Mrs. Rajarajeswari T. from CFBT. The sessions included training to develop knowledge, understanding and skill in managing classroom effectively and meaningfully. A sea change is expected to take place in the teaching and learning process.

July I – The Angels in Spotless White were honored

‘Serve Humanity Serve God’. Let this be the motto of the young doctors of today. On July I, S. N. V. B. held the doctor’s day celebration by honoring the medical luminaries. The passed out students of the previous batches who became the angels of service were honored by the entire family of this temple of learning.

S. N. V. B. takes steps to curb the drug abuse menace

Emancipation from the clutches of Drugs – the silent killers, is the need of the hour. On June 26th, the Anti Drug’s day, the vibrant students of S. N. V. B. conducted procession carrying placards to caution the people about drug abuse. An awareness class against anti drug was conducted by Dr. Sureshkumar (retired DYSP) for the students of std XI. He instilled confidence in the students and advised them to keep healthy friendship, goodwill, in turn to overcome all dire circumstances which comes in their life.

A great move in Afforestation

To regain and reclaim the greenness of The Mother Earth, S. N. V. B. spread its wings of ‘The Tree Plantation Drive’ ,“Ningalude Veedu, Nammude Maram” to its neighboring homes. It has been launched to create a sense of awareness among the people about the need to protect our environment.

Inaugration of SEED program 2014-2015

‘Nanma’ a mathrubhumi programme aiming for a better tomorrow has launched in S. N. Vidya Bhavan School.

Mathrubhumi has started Nanma programme in S. N. Vidya Bhavan school. The honorable secretary of S. N. E. & C. Trust, Sri K. G. Ashokan inaugurated the function by handing over an amount of Rs. 20000 to a financially backward family. The respected Principal, Mrs. Sushama E. K. delivered the welcome speech in the function. The amount of Rs. 20000 has handed over to a cancer patient Mrs. Sheeja from Kaipamangalam. Helping the needy and desperate ones of the society, Nanma paves the way for children. It also inculcates the social commitment among the children.

Planet earth is our shared island. Let us join forces to protect it.

SNVB ians celebrated the biggest day – June 5th for positive environmental action by distributing 700 saplings among the students to make our planet greener. The day was inaugurated by Mr. K. V. Subramanian, the honorable president of S. N. E. & C. Trust formally marking the beginning of the environmental activities for the academic year 2014-15.

Environment Day Celebration

Environment Day Celebration

Love Plastic

Malayala Manorama Nalla Paadam

Inaugration of Malayala Manorama Nalla Paadam

Mathrubhoomi "Seed"

Malayala Manorama Nalla Paadam

Malayala Manorama Nalla Paadam

Nalla paadam



Independence Day Celebrations

Independence Day Celebration 2013

2nd Rank for All India Engineering (Arch) Examination 2012

Mohamed Saifiz of S. N. Vidya Bhavan achieved the second Rank for All India Engineering (Arch) Examination 2012

Cleanliness Drive

Inaugrated by Adv. C. V. Subhash, General Secretary, S. N. E. & C. Trust

District Level Kabaddi Tournament

Winners of District Level Girls Kabaddi Tournament 2012 & Runner up of District Level Boys Kabaddi Tournament 2012

All Kerala Interschool CBSE Volleyball Tournament 2012

S. N. Vidya Bhavan bags the first position in the All Kerala Interschool CBSE Volleyball Tournament 2012

Sahodaya Kalotsav Winners 2012

S. N. Vidya Bhavan won the District Sahodaya Youth Festival 2012 Champioship for the 7th consecutive year.

Interschool Elocution Competition

Winners of Interschool elocution competition held by Vivekananda Kendra , Kodungallur in connection with the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda with the Ever-rolling Trophy.

Malayala Manorama "Nalla Paaddam" Award 2012-13

Affiliated to the C.B.S.E., New Delhi. Affiliation No: 930050)


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