Affiliated to the C.B.S.E., New Delhi. Affiliation No: 930050

  • Call us: +91 480 2839438

Rules and Regulations

  • Students of standards I to XII should arrive at the School at 8.05 a.m. for day school and Pre K.G, L.K.G and U.K.G students should reach the school at 9.15 a.m. The School gates will be closed to students 3 minutes after the scheduled arrival time.
  • Parents / Guardians should not go near the classrooms.
  • Students should attend school in the prescribed uniform. Improperly dressed students will not be allowed to enter the class. Students who are habitually untidily dressed will be fined. Fleet less pants, short shirts, and shirts without school badge will not be permitted. School Tie, Badge, and Belt are available from the school on payment.
  • No student should leave the school premises during the class hours without the permission of the Principal or Vice-Principal.
  • Parents are requested not to send a sick child to the school.
  • Parents should ensure that their ward returns home immediately after the school gets over.
  • Parents / Guardians should ensure that only reading materials connected with classroom academics are brought to school by the student.
  • English must be spoken at all times in the school premises.
  • Any kind of damage to school property shall be paid for by the student(s) concerned.
  • The school is not responsible for goods lost. Parents are requested not to allow their children to wear jewelry and bring expensive articles and money to the school.
  • Students must return to school promptly after the holidays.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, and conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are reasons for dismissal of a student.
  • The intended withdrawal of a student should be intimated to the Principal, in writing, one month in advance. Application for T.C. should be submitted at least three days before the date on which the T.C. is required.
  • Parents and Guardians are requested to enforce regularity and discipline and see that their children prepare their lessons and do their home tasks.
  • Students seeking admission will have to pay all the fees prescribed by the school and the fee structure will be subjected to revision at times.
  • All fees must be paid in time, (i.e. by 15th of each month) Rs.5/- will be charged for late payment after the 15th of every month till the 25th day of the month. A pupil's name will be struck off the rolls in case of non - payment of fees for two consecutive months. However, he/she may be re-admitted on payment of Rs.100/- only if the payment is made before 3 months. In case, payment of fees is delayed for more than 3 months, re-admission can be made by paying Rs.500/-. For an issue of duplicate fee challan book Rs.50/- has to be paid.
  • In any event, all dues must be paid on or before the publishing of the result. All dues must be paid in full. Payments in installments are not acceptable. In the case of Fee defaulters, the School will have to take the extreme option of sending the students home, if bills are not paid on time.
  • For the issue of duplicate Progress Report, Rs.100/- will be charged.
  • Students who have been absent, for any reason, from the class must bring a leave letter from their parents stating the cause of absence. The letter should be given to the Principal. In case a child suffers for a long period, the school should be intimated within one week.
  • When the school is in session, no student or teacher should be visited except with the Principal's or Vice-Principal's permission.
  • Parents / Guardians are requested to examine the Notice Board when they come to school.
  • Any pupil who resorts to malpractice in the Examinations will be detained.
  • Attendance on all school days up to the commencement of examination is mandatory.
  • School authorities and office personnel may be contacted between 8 AM to 3 PM.
  • A for promotion to the next higher class, the required minimum percentage for each subject is as given below.
    For Classes I to VIII 40%
    For Classes IX to XII 35%
  • Students of Classes IX to XII have to submit their project works in time, or else their names will not be considered for the CBSE Examination.
  • Parents / Guardians should make themselves available for a meeting as and when informed.
  • Children are expected to be in a proper school uniform at all times.
  • Children are expected to be in proper school uniform at all times.
  • In appropriate cases, the Principal reserves the right to ask for the withdrawal of a student from the school, and the fees paid in respect of such a student for the year will not be refunded.
  • Students are not allowed to enter any classroom other than their own unless authorized by a teacher.
  • When leave is essential a prior sanction should be obtained.
  • Leave letters without the signature of the parent will not be entertained.
  • When long leave or leave during the examination is necessary, due to unavoidable reasons, permissions from the Principal should be sought in advance.
  • Electronic equipments like Mobile Phones, Media Players, Memory Storage Devices, etc are strictly prohibited in the campus. If a student is found bringing them it will be confiscated and will not be returned under any circumstances and in addition, a fine will be charged.
  • Students will not be allowed to meet the parents or visitors during the class hours without the permission of the Principal / Vice-Principal.
  • Students suffering from infectious and contagious diseases must not be sent to school. In such a case, after the recovery, a Medical Fitness Certificate is to be produced.
  • Complaints and suggestions, if any, are to be made only to the Principal or Vice-Principal. Direct access to the class teacher or any other teacher is not allowed.
  • The Parent or Guardian should make their ward reach the school in time if they are making their own arrangement for conveyance.
  • No vehicles are permitted inside the Campus except at the specified parking area at gate No.2 (Western gate)
  • Principal reserves the right to dismiss the child who indulges in ragging. Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or indiscipline activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension there of in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student is considered as Ragging.
  • The School takes a very dim view of parents allowing their children to drive without a license. Any boy/girl caught driving without appropriate papers will be deemed to have violated the school and the government rules in this regard, they will be treated in an appropriate manner.

Affiliated to the C.B.S.E., New Delhi. Affiliation No: 930050)


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